SERA Fishtamin 15ML
SERA Baktopur 50ML
Disinfects and supports recovery.
Water conditioner for use in freshwater in case of typical bacterial disease such as Columnaris disease, fin rot, gill rot as well as infections by Aeromonas or Pseudomonas bacteria.
The treatment can also be used in case of an infection by ectoparasites such as fish leeches, fish lice or parasitic crustaceans affecting the gills, as to prevent secondary infections at the injured skin spots.
SERA Costapur 50ML
SERA Costapur F is a medication againstIchthyophthirius multifiliisand other single celled skin parasites Water conditioner againstIchthyophthirius multifiliis(pathogen causing white spot disease) and other single celled skin parasites such asIchthyobodo necator, Chilodonella, Trichodina, BrooklynellaandCryptocaryon irritans(the latter ones in marine water) as well as against infections by fungi (mycoses).
Seachem Gold Salt 300g
Hobby Alder Cones (50pcs)
Seachem Gold Trace 250ML
Seachem Gold Trace supplies a broad range of trace elements demonstrated to be necessary for proper Þsh health and growth. Unlike terrestrial animals, fish obtain nutrients from both their food and environment. Trace elements are normally depleted by utilization, oxidation and precipitation, thus it is important to restore them on a regular basis. Gold Trace contains only those elements actually demonstrated to be required by fish.
Seachem Cichlid Trace 500ML
Seachem Cichlid Trace supplies a broad range of trace elements demonstrated to be necessary for proper Þsh health and growth. Unlike terrestrial animals, fish obtain nutrients from both their food and environment. Trace elements are normally depleted by utilization, oxidation and precipitation, thus it is important to restore them on a regular basis. Cichlid Trace contains only those elements actually demonstrated to be required by fish.
Seachem Cichlid Lake Salt 250g
Seachem Cichlid Lake Salt is a chemically sound blend of salts designed to replicate the natural environment of Rift Lake African Cichlids. It contains all physiologically essential elements such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, and includes trace components such as iron, aluminum, and iodide.
Seachem Tanganyika Buffer 250g
APK ANA Taiwan Guppy Food 50g
APK Ana Taiwan Fish Food Balanced nutrition promotes growth, increases egg yield.
The rich stability of vitamins group can increase the resistance and immunity of the fish patella.
The feed has lure sex and enhance palatability to the special-shape fish.
Can effectively reduce water pollution.
Add a variety of micro element to the stomach and the whole intestines.
Best for fry, juvies and adult guppies
APK raw materials are manufactured and processed by a high-end feed factory. It is the general agent of Taiwan ANA. The main feed elements have up to 34 ingredients. APK feed contains calcium and phosphorus ingredients, which make fish bones more complete, increase growth, longevity, and nutrients The required protein content is more than 54.6%, which allows the fish to absorb more than 80% of the complete energy. APK feed makes up all the elements. APK has a very mature spray granulation technology, so that the feed can be floated without adding other molding processing materials. Sex particles achieve the best presentation.
Seachem Alkaline Buffer 300g
Seachem Alkaline Buffer is a non–phosphate buffer to raise pH and alkalinity (KH) and buffer with Acid Buffer. These buffers are designed for the planted aquarium or for very hard water where phosphate buffers may pose an algae or cloudiness problem. Alkaline Buffer raises pH and buffers between 7.2 and 8.5. It is gentle, safe, and enhances the freshwater environment.
Hobby Nano Catappa Leaves (12pcs)
Catappa leaves have been widely used in aquariums in Asian countries for a long time already. Owners and breeders of various fish and animals such as fighting fish, discus, shrimp, crawfish and pecostomus use the leaves for the treatment of bacterial ailments, and also to heal injuries of fish, such as bites or transportation wounds. The risk of wound infections is tremendously decreased when our catappa leaves are being used. The mucous membranes are strengthened. It is remarkable that bacteria useful to the aquarium are verifiably not impaired when catappa leaves are being used. When transporting fish, it is strongly recommended to add Catappa Leaves or a small piece of Catappa Bark to the water used. This decreases the susceptibility and stress significantly which the animals experience from high concentrations of bacteria. When it comes to breeding, catappa leaves help promote the mating disposition of your fish, and reduce spawn fungi. By releasing humic acids and tanning agents, catappa leaves create a natural surrounding and increase the vitality and well-being of your aquarium occupants.