Albino Corydora are generally an easy fish to care for, providing basic needs are met. They do best on a fine substrate, either sand or micro gravel. Corydoras will root around in substrate looking for food, so sharp substrates can damage the barbels at the front of their mouths. Other décor is largely down to personal taste. Areas of cover will provide security, resulting in more outgoing and active fish.
Corydoras thrive best in clean water with stable parameters. A pH of between 6.5-7.2 is ideal, especially for captive bred fish.
Albino Corydora are not the easiest to sex, especially when young. Females tend to be bigger and are rounder and broader-bodied than males, which stay smaller and slimmer. If wanting to breed corydoras, a ratio of one female to two males is ideal. Corydora are a shoaling catfish, and thrive best in groups of 5 or more.
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