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White Cloud Mountain Minnow
5,00 د.إ (Including Vat)
White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes) are small aquarium fish originating in China. They are hardy fish that are adaptable to various environments, including water with relatively cooler temperatures. These characteristics make these fish great for beginners in the aquarium hobby. In the aquarium hobby, White Cloud Mountain Minnows are known as White Cloud Mountain Fish, White White Cloud Minnows, or White Cloud.
Amano Shrimp
10,00 د.إ (Including Vat)
Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata) is one of the best and most useful freshwater shrimps for keeping in a tank. This shrimp is irreplaceable in a tank since it can clean it by eating algae. Takashi Amano, a famous aquascapist and designer of so-called “nature aquariums,” was the first to use these shrimps to deal with algae in his planted tanks. After revealing their remarkable ability to eat algae, he ordered several thousands of shrimps from the local seller. Since the 1980-s, aquarists started to call this shrimp “Amano shrimp.”
Assassin Snail
5,00 د.إ (Including Vat)
An Assassin Snail has become a popular freshwater snail to keep. Assassin Snails have a reputation of being able to help keep populations of some other freshwater snails in check. While keeping a small group of Assassin Snails in a tank may reduce the numbers of Trumpet Snails somewhat, Assassin Snails should not be considered the only solution to snail population explosions. Keeping Trumpet Snail populations in check can also be achieved by removing excess uneaten food from substrate by regular vacuuming.
Diamond Tetra
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Diamond tetras are gorgeous freshwater fish that don’t get nearly enough attention. We’ve been fans of this species for years, and definitely recommend them to anyone. They’re beautiful, easy to care for, and a lot of fun to watch. This makes them a great beginner fish. However, this is a great choice if you have experience and just want a low-maintenance freshwater species as well.
Julii Corydoras
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Julii Corydoras is a peaceful community fish that prefer to be kept in a group. They are freshwater fish that are native to the flooded forests of the lower Amazon region. More specifically, they have been found in Parnaba River of Brazil. They can also be found in smaller creeks and small tributaries in the region.
Neon Tetra
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Neon Tetra, the beautiful fish species, originates from the blackwater streams and tributaries and clear water in Amazon and Orinoco River basins. Neon Tetra fish breed is extremely popular and is available in different varieties of captive-bred specimens. This includes golden strain, long-finned neon tetra, etc.
But before sharing the breeding care guide for Neon Tetra, take a look at the overview of this lovely fish breed. The information chart will let you understand everything about Neon Tetra in detail.
Harlequin Rasbora
5,00 د.إ (Including Vat)
Aquarium fanatics love the harlequin rasbora because it’s very easy to care for. Its metallic color is an eye-catching addition to any home aquarium. It has a reminiscent look of a jokester costume, where the fish derives its name. Harlequin Rasbora, sometimes known as red rasbora, are schooling fish. They love to move in small groups and keep company with other similar-sized fish. That’s yet another reason behind their massive popularity.
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