An Assassin Snail body and foot are a light cream color, with darker specks sprinkled throughout. Make sure the Assassin Snail has a complete Proboscis, as well as two tentacles, with an eye near the base on each. Be mindful that snails may be kept in display tanks with rougher fish that may take nips at them. So make sure the snail looks healthy, active and complete.
Avoid buying Assassin Snails from display tanks with an unusual amount of dead or sick looking tank mates, as these can be indications of poor conditions and unhealthy snails. Also avoid buying Assassin Snails if the they appear motionless on the tank bottom or floating as these can be indications the snail is sick or dead. Finally, check to make sure the snail shell isn’t empty.
An Assassin Snail does not like sudden shifts in water parameters, so make sure the aquarium is well filtered and heated. Also make sure the tank has fully cycled, established itself, and stabilized before introducing them. Its important to keep Ammonia and Nitrite levels at 0 ppm. Its also important to keep Nitrate levels low with regular partial water changes. Along these lines, be careful when adding medications and plant fertilizers. Assassins may be sensitive to some of their ingredients, especially in high concentrations. This is particularly true with Copper. Copper can be fatal to snails, so double check to make sure any additive is snail and shrimp safe.
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